
You know your mom's a teacher when...

You know your mom's a teacher when...

EVERY time your child gets into the bathtub they say, "Is the water too cold, Mommy?"  "Is this water too hot, Mommy?"  "No Mommy, this water feels just right!"

Your toddler (and YOU) sing Chicka-Chicka Boom Boom or the Days of the Week Song while grocery shopping.

When dinner is handed out one child says, "I don't like that."  The other says, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."

While watching a football game, your toddler is calling out numbers on jersey's...we try to get that math practice in anywhere we can get it.

Your child doesn't go to the zoo to see the animals, but the habitats!

I noticed all of this over the past week from my 4 year old and realized most of it is because her Mom is teacher.

This Little Piggy is sick of benchmarks!

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