
Friday Flashback and a Mommy Moment

Sorry, I know it's Saturday, but if you read the whole post you'll understand why I couldn't post earlier.
 Tuesday, I began by talking about bullying.  I used my Cell Phone Graphic Organizers for Cause/Effect.  We used the blank ones and did a little "out of our seat" activity where students graphed their own internet usage.
We did a book walk to preview our story and talked about vocabulary words, and I did some major "think alouds" about homographs.  We did a quick 5 Q pre-quiz on prefixes and if students made a 100, they didn't have to take the Friday quiz on prefixes.  But our main focus was Bullying. I was inspired by Tonya's Treat's for Teachers Video to make one for our classroom too.         

Wednesday, we did a guided-practice utilizing our Test-Taking Strategies on a Cause-Effect Passage from Treasures that gave practice pin-pointing signal words.  Then, we reviewed Messaging Mania and used my cell phone cause-effect graphic organizer when we read our story.  

I would give ANYTHING in the world to re-do Thursday.  Thursday was a BUST,
I woke up looking forward to the day.  One of my new teaching friends asked me to help her prep for her upcoming eval, so I agreed to as long as we could eat Mexican Food (my favorite).  I began by doing a prefix activity I found on Pintrest. 
They had to choose 1 of our spelling words and create their own balloon bouquet.  I modeled it and gave a finished product.  The first one had just the prefix and it's meaning (ie: UN NOT), the next one had their spelling word and it's meaning (ie: unwrap and not wrapped), the final one had a sentence using their spelling word with the word underlined (ie: The girl unwrapped her gift on Christmas morning.).  They bombed the sentence section - HUH?  So, it's a re-teach piece next week.  We did a demonstrate your strategies on a cause-effect passage from Measuring Up.  AGAIN, THEY BOMBED IT!!!  
So, I figured Mexican food would make me forget all about my day.  Yup, it did.  I got home around 8:30, gave my girl a bath, put her into bed and began working on my bullying video.  
My daughter comes out of the bedroom and I say, "You're supposed to be asleep."   I get up to take her back to bed and notice her hair looks weird.  
I ask, "What did you do to your hair?"  She says, "Mommy, I got a haircut." 
Yes, my daughter found scissors I didn't even know I had and chopped her beautiful golden hair off!  
At this point, things go blurry.  
I turned on the light and there are chunks of hair everywhere!  Not little chunks, LONG BLONDE CHUNKS.  My child looks horrific!  I go into a terrifying rage.  The whole household is in complete chaos and everyone is yelling and crying.  Yes, I went C-R-A-Z-Y.  

Friday, my husband made me take Friday off so we could go together and get my girl a haircut (truthfully, I was heartbroken, I couldn't have gone to work).  In my head I knew it was going to be SHORT, really SHORT.  In my heart I couldn't imagine my baby without her pig-tails swinging as she walked. The beautician asked if I wanted to keep her hair or donate it (yes, it was over 10 inches).  I said, donate and as she cut the long blonde pony tail, tears quietly streamed down my face.  
Don't get me wrong, I know I'm lucky to have a healthy, beautiful and smart daughter.  I do, but I was in shock.  Later that afternoon, my sweet girl turns to me with a huge smile and says, "Mommy, do you like my haircut?"  
And I say, "I love it, you look beautiful."  
This Little Piggy made it through.


  1. Oh no! This reminds of something that happened to my sister when we were little. She got a giant wad of gum stuck in her hair and had to get it all cut off! I love your story telling :)
    Literacy Spark

  2. I am sure that was a hard one to get over... I remember my sister cutting "bangs," that basically went to her SCALP! NO HIDING THAT! I am sure your daughter's new do is super cute too. :)

    Smart Tarts Learning

  3. Oh no!!!! I hear so many stories of kids doing this! Why do they want to cut off all their hair?? Poor mommy! :( She is still adorable...and it will grow back quickly so she can have ponytails again!

    We all have those "Alexander" days. I'm sure this week will be a better week for you!

    Teaching Maddeness

  4. Thanks ladies for reading that "essay" of a blogpost. I think I just needed to get it out for therapy of some nature. Sorry about the rambling.

    I have accepted her short hair (don't have a choice). Now we are dealing with her constantly saying she's a boy. UGH. I wonder how school will be for her when she goes tomorrow?
