
Pics from Around My School

I normally post about what my class or grade level is doing.  Today I thought I'd share what's going on inside a few other classrooms.  I asked permission to put their pics on my blog, all said they were flattered.

This bulletin board is outside the PK4 hallway.  The house is 3-D  How cute is the little Gingerbread Girl?  My house is decorated with Gingerbread Boys & Girls so I adore this bulletin board!  It brings a smile to my face when I walk passed it.  In fact, my class takes the long walk back from the bathrooms just so I can ooh and ahh over it.  


I love this Anchor Chart I found in a 1st grade classroom.  This teacher has become a quick friend.  We spent 3 hours chit-chatting at dinner on Friday night!  She loves blogs, pintrest, fonts, anchor charts and our kiddos adore eachother...what more can I ask for in a new friend?  She found this anchor chart on pintrest, from The First Grade Parade.  

Next up is a bit nostalgic for me because I grew up loving Smurfs!  Of course, Smurfette was my favorite.  This is our Kindergarten hallway.  They worked on a PBL where Smurf Village burned down and they had to re-build it.  Students elected a government, wrote a constitution and made a map key for their village.  I love it!  How cute is it?


This Little Piggy wants a tablet!!!

1 comment:

  1. I bet it was very flattering to your co-workers for you to ask to post pics! What a great idea. I just love your blog design. I have nominated you for the Liebster award. Read all about it on my blog!
