
12 in 12 Linky

I'm not #150!  Woo Hoo!  Let's Linky with Hadar & Kristin (don't you love how I call them by their name, like I know them or they know me! ha).

12. Favorite movie you watched: We Bought a Zoo
11. Favorite TV series: Walking Dead or Nashville
10. Favorite restaurant: Del Frisco's Steakhouse
9. Favorite new thing you tried: Blogging!
8. Favorite gift you got: My hubby sent me flowers at work.

7. Favorite thing you pinned: I'm not sure if it's my absolute favorite thing, but I am actually going to make it!!!
6. Favorite blog post: Of my own?  It was one that I can't access anymore since I changed the name of my blog.  I loved my pics of my classroom!

5. Best accomplishment: Getting 5's this year on my Evaluations (5 is the top of the line)
4. Favorite picture: We spent 7 days in Florida & our kiddos were ready to go home on day 5!!

3. Favorite memory: Our Vacation to Florida.  I loved watching the Dolphins in the morning!
2. Goal for 2013: My goal is to lose 100 lbs.  I made this goal last year and I lost 35, then we went on vacation and I threw healthy eating out the window!  I've got to do it this year! 
1. One Little Word: MARRIAGE.  I let everything else come first, this year it will be priority number one.


  1. I haven't seen We bought a Zoo. I will have to check it out. I love your cute fingerprint lights. I want to make them too!

    The Hive

  2. Thanks for linking up!!! Your class is beautiful!

  3. I love the name of your blog and congrats on the 5s!

    Your new follower,
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  4. I'm your newest follower...That pic of the beach sure does look good!...We have been working on making our marriage sweeter. After 11 years I guess anyone can get in a rut. I love the movie Fireproof. It helped us!...Hope you are enjoying your Christmas break with your family.
    Mrs. Christy’s Leaping Loopers
