
Tech Freebie and Competitions

Do you see that EMPTY command hook on my classroom computer/s?  Well, I'm a month into school & it shouldn't be empty!  So, I made this freebie.  I'm going to link this freebie to 

Does your school do school-wide competitions? 
 I'm all about WINNING!   I love to be able to rub it in other teacher's faces!   For the past 2 years I've either been 1st or 2nd place for our BOX Tops Competition.  Last year my class, mainly me, my mom, my sister and my step-mom raised over 1,000 box tops! 
For Open House, we had a competition to see which classroom would have the most parents visit.  Perhaps in your school this would be absurd since 90%+ parents come to Open House, but in the past I've had as few as 3 parents show up.  Yes, 3.  
This year, my husband got sick, so I had to pick up my daughter from preschool/daycare, grab her dinner and get back to school by 5:00.  When I got there at 5:03, I had 3 parents waiting at the door!  Whoop!  I won, I won!!  I love to win.  Right, now we're doing a PTA Drive for a Pizza Party and guess whose in 1st place?  Me, yup!  In fact, I had 3 parents walk their $5 into my classroom and hand it to me directly saying that their child has been begging for PTA Dues.  Tee-Hee-Hee!  What can I say?  I love to hear my name on the morning announcements!  
This Little Piggy is Writing Lesson Plans Allll Day Long!

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