
Pink Piggies, Grammar and My Teacherisms

Oh My Goodness, don't you just love this new blog?  The pink piggies are perfect for me!

I'm not a huge grammar freak (which is odd because I'm pretty good with grammar), I'm more into the ideas aspect of writing.  But, I'm trying to do a better job at teaching it this year.  Today we used Runde's Room Lang Arts Cootie Catchers (I got a great deal on these at the B2S sale).  My kids loved, loved, loved them! In fact, I didn't hear one student get an answer wrong!  First, we watched a video on making cootie catchers, then I modeled how to make one, then I made one step-by-step with the class.  

When pretty much everyone got finished making their cootie catcher, I had a student come up and we modeled how to use them and the questions to ask.  Then, students got 5 min or so to go around and ask students questions.

I finally got these cuties laminated!  I love them and completely forgot where I got them from (please let me know if they are yours).  Our school went on a learning walk last year (or the last) and I watched a teacher use them, I thought it was genius!  I downloaded, laminated, added a magnet and Voila - now I have some too!

I wanted to show off my first anchor chart of the year.  I copied it from pintrest, of course.
Oh yeah, I really want to link up with Luckeyfrog's Lilypad.  It's all about our teacherisms - you know those things that you say over & over and eventually you hear a kiddo say it and almost spit your coffee on the floor!  

So my biggest one is, "This isn't Burger King, You don't get it Your Way."  
When we're doing oral questions, I say "That's a 100, Kiss your Brain!"  Today I heard a kiddo say, "I bet that's a 100, but wait to kiss your brain until we know for sure." LOL
I also say, "Let's Read Like One Big Happy Family." I often hear this when my tables are reading together or during buddy reading.  

This Little Piggy is going alll the way to bed!


  1. The new look is absolutely adorable!! Love it!


  2. I love your adorable piggies! =)

    Your teacherisms are funny! I always hear my kiddos say to each other when someone has lost something "Well, it didn't just grow legs and walk off. It has to be somewhere!"

    Heather's Heart

  3. Love your new blog design.. truly adorable!! :) I am your newest follower.. check out my blog sometime! :)

