
Blog Mini-Series: Behavior Management

Sunday = Relaxation Day/Laundry Day/Cleaning Day/Family Breakfast Day/Grocery Shopping Day.  But, we had a busy 4th Weekend, so we are putting everything else off and having a relaxing family day.

I decided I would blog daily for the month of July.  FAIL.  I already missed a day.  But in order to blog daily, I need topics!  So, this week I'm presenting a blog mini-series about different aspects of:

I'm going to cover a different topic every day (Mon. - Sat.).  The topics will ONLY include things I have personally learned about, tried &/or used.  Topics will include everything from behavior cards, clip charts, Class Dojo, Parent Communication, Student Engagement and Organization.  I hope you will reply and let me know your feelings about the things I'm posting about.  

This Little Piggy is reflecting all week long!


  1. This sounds like a great series idea!
    I can't wait to read all the posts. I always love learning from other teachers :)

    - Lucy

  2. Thanks Lucy! I hope it is beneficial to other teachers.
