
EOY Awards & Activities

This was my last week with students.  We celebrated with a camping theme where my team joined our classes together for camping themed activities.  I searched for something to do with my students during "down time" - when we would transition or wait on the other classes.  I found an awesome FREEBIE by Schoolhouse Divas - Math MASH.  Did you play MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House) as a child? It was probably one of my favorite games.  This freebie isn't just MASH...it also has a math component. Each fortune has a correlating math problem.  For example, if your future car is a ferrari, then the math problem might compare the price of a ferrari and the price of a ford focus.  I thought it was incredibly clever! The math isn't overly difficult, so my students didn't need any assistance with it.    

Click the above pic to download this great product!

We also had a mini-awards assembly.  I put together a little slide show and I gave out personalized awards.  Below is a screenshot of my awards.  It is a take off of a word cloud with a QR Code that links to each student's EOY Presentation that they can share with their friends and family.    
If you need EOY Awards, I have a few in my TpT store you might like.  

This Little Piggy hopes you last few days go smoothly!

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