
Workshop Wednesday Linky

So for a seriously long time, I've seen Jivey's Workshop Wednesday Linky & I've wanted to link up.  In fact, I've tried to 2 or 3 times, but it never quite worked out.  Today, I am just doing it.

Her theme this week is collaboration & bragging on others.  I'm supposed to link to a blog or product that has helped me this year.  Okay, this is an easy one!  

For me, Hilary Lewis has been my hero this year - in more ways than one.  
I know my blog has been lacking this year.  I feel bad about it.  My only excuse is that I'm in a new position - not just new to me, but fairly new to my district so I have had to learn a lot.  
On Monday's I pull 1st Grade GT Students from multiple campuses.  I've NEVER taught 1st Grade, EVER.  I've definitely never enriched them.  So, this year my job is simply to provide enrichment.  Originally, I wanted to do this through project based learning.  However, I meet in the library (sometimes, in the cafeteria, sometimes in the hall) and there is no room for keeping supplies or ongoing projects.  So....I had to revise my plan.  I moved toward logic puzzles.  Hilary Lewis has these AMAZING Logic Puzzles for Little Learners!  
Fast forward to December.  I got an e-mail from Hilary asking me to join in her new collaborative blog, Who's Who and Who's New.  Who would say NO?  Not me.  I jumped on board right away, no questions asked.  Hilary has made a big impact on my life this year.  I love her product, it's made my life much easier and I'm grateful she asked me to be a part of her new bloggie adventure.

This Little Piggy loves logic puzzles.

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