
Saturday Night Teacher Feature "Andrea from Reading Toward the Stars"

Being a teacher can be so difficult.  Aside from just day to day teaching, we have to attend planning meetings, grade papers, go to staff meetings, prep/plan, go to grade level meetings, differentiate lessons, go to RtI meetings, make copies and attend PLC meetings.  Does anyone else feel like they spend their days at meetings?

Today is our day to "feature" other teachers and recognize their amazing work!

I'd like you to meet, Andrea from Reading Toward the Stars.  
You might know her as a blogger, but I know her as my friend.  
We haven't met before, but we have a lot in common.  
We both love teaching reading, we don't have a homeroom class, we are both from the south and we have a perfect little 4 person family.

Here are her " Top 3 Greatest Hits!"
I love her post, "Graphic Organizers vs. Thinking Maps". 
 I knew there was a difference, in fact I had been to multiple classes on Thinking Maps, but they were 4 years ago while I was pregnant.  
I've slept (some) since then and Andrea made it all so clear in an easy to understand format.  
Click the pic below to take a peek at her post!

Since Andrea is originally from Louisiana, I'm sure this product is near and dear to her heart!  
It's a Mardi Gras non-fiction pack.  
I have a lot of students with family from Louisiana or are transplants from LA. 
They love anything to do with Louisiana, especially Mardi Gras.  
So this is definitely high engagement.  Aside from student interest, it would be great for a literacy center.  
It reinforces Main Idea, Inferencing and Text Features.  

While we're talking about Mardi Gras, snatch up this free game board to use in class.  

If you aren't following Andrea's blog, Reading Toward the Stars, you should!

This Little Piggy loves her bloggie friends!


  1. Thanks for featuring Andrea! It was fun to read about her. I loved her blog post, "Graphic Organizers vs. Thinking Maps"!
    Read With Me ABC

  2. I loved reading Andrea's breathtaking post about thinking maps, and honestly, it is really, really important as we teach text structure and so many skills. I have found kids use what we teach as we tell them, but then transfer is weak. They don't always utilize what we teach them. Great post!

  3. Love, love Andrea's post on thinking maps and graphic organizers. I had no idea the difference. Going to research thinking maps now because I believe that is exactly what my school needs right now.

  4. Deniece,
    Send me an email about your blog update since Misty is having computer trouble. Thanks, Erika
