
I forgot it was December...My Currently

It's Currently time.  I don't know about you, but I reflect upon the questions each month and look back to see how I was feeling last month.

Loving - My hubby and I are on year 7 and I know that many marriages suffer at the 7 year mark, but we are more in love than ever.  We have struggles and isn't always roses and lollipops, but I am so in love with him!

Thinking - I've said so many times that my girl has grown up way too fast!  Her 5th B-Day is quickly approaching and I swear it feels like we just brought her home and sat her under the Christmas Tree!

Wanting - I'm not a shopper, but I really need some new clothes.  UGH...not the time of year I should be spending $$ on clothes.

Needing - In the last two months, I've become a worrier.  I worry constantly about everything!  I hate that I've become that type of person.  I'm honestly thinking about talking to a doctor about it.  I wake up in the morning with a list of worries!

Tradition - My sister always made Christmas Cookies on New Year's Eve (she still does) and now I do it with my kiddos.

This Little Piggy is probably number 200 because I didn't know it was December!!! OOPS...


  1. Hi!
    Saw your post in Currently. I totally spend all my $ on my classroom, I hardly ever buy new clothes. In fact the last time I did it was for a wedding, so I can't wear it to work, sigh...The things we do and sacrifice for our students/jobs.

    I love that you're living out your dream of teaching gifted kids. I'm currently getting my master's in gifted education, I love it! But I can't wait til it's done :)

    Enjoy the rest of your December!

    Tales From Two 2nd Grade Classrooms

  2. You know it may be a good time to buy new clothes because there are a ton of deals out there right now... but I know what you mean! Congrats on 7 years of marriage!! :)

    Crayons and Whimsy

  3. My sis and I were just FB messaging about all the sneaky sales this time of year. Make you feel like you're missing out if you don't BUY BUY BUY.

    That said ... a couple new pieces properly chosen to integrate with current wardrobe items can do wonders for the soul. Then remember to not eat a bunch of chocolate until they don't fit anymore. And you have to swear to yourself gym workouts will be STEPPED UP.

    I would guess. Wouldn't KNOW or anything.

    As you know I am right there with you on the worrywarted-ness. If you feel the need by all means do it. And step up the workouts. That helps (I think that's why I'm slipping ... cause the workouts have been slipping!).

    And remember Pete the Cat's advice. "Does Pete cry? Goodness, NO! He keeps walking along and singing his song, because it's all good."
