
I'm baaaack with my Currently

Well, I've been MIA (sorta) this week - no Clipart and Coffee Talk, but no one asked for it <insert sad face>.  My hubby had an accident at work on Monday and we spent the afternoon at the Emergency room. Due to this, all of my Little Piggy stuff went on the back burner.  Luckily, he's okay now.  He went back to work today and I finally got to work on some classroom stuff.  It was a rough beginning of the week. Needless to say, I didn't get to post my Monday Made Its...so next week will be pic overload!

I forgot it was August.  OH NO!!!  I feel like July really needs an extra week...don't you?  I mean one month with 6 weeks would be AWESOME!  I really got into this Currently - not because of the content, but I just love the doodle look -- absolutely loved choosing fonts to go with it.  

One of the fonts is my very own, Little Piggy Font.  
If you can guess which font is mine, I'll let you choose any item from my TpT store!
Take your guess...
What's the name of the Little Piggy Font I used?
The first comment correct, wins!

So, who else needs more money for their classroom?  Me!  Hubby cut me off until the next paycheck.
My list of must haves is pretty self explanatory - I write out my first day script. 
I love new supplies, mine and the kiddos.  
I always wear flats.  I buy one Fall Pair and one Spring Pair.  
I know it sounds boring and horrible to most of you.  But, I hate shopping so it works for me.  
I want a pair of comfy shoes at work - I'll save cute for the weekend.   


  1. Is it the font next to your wanting? I've just discovered your blog through this Currently so yay for new blog friends!!

  2. So glad to hear your hubby is ok! I missed clip art and coffee talk but I was so busy this week trying to get my giveaway under control I basically neglected blog stalking all together!

    Is it your Little Piggy's Caramel Drizzle font next to loving?

    The Polished Teacher

  3. Nope, that is OHHHMGEEE from Cara Taylor (one of my favs, though).

  4. Hi!
    I wish I had someone that would cut me off. I feel I have been shopping like a mad man this summer. haha!

  5. I completely relate to your list: I feel like I didn't get enough done, wish I had one more month, desperately need money and need new flats. I will suggest Reefs, they are a little pricier but they last and the soles are like walking on cushions. And they have some really cool patterns.

  6. Ding, Ding, Ding...Ashley you win! Let me know what you want.


    Babbling, I did check out those shoes...I think I might break down and get them! Cute too.

  7. Just found your blog from Farley. Love to find other reading teachers! I can't wait to show my other "blog-half", Colleen your fantastic blog. She's CRAZED about pigs!!

    And I hear ya about money. I think we'll be eating pork and beans until I get back to work! Need a paycheck!!

    The Rungs of Reading
