
Big Announcement: I'm teaching...

Do you know how certain teachers move from grade to grade to grade? That is me.  I have multiple certifications in various grade levels and therefore, I get moved A LOT!  3rd Grade Reading actually feels like home to me.
I am moving onward and upward.  This year I will be teaching Upper Elementary Gifted & Talented Students!  This was a move I wanted to make last year, but all of the positions were filled prior to me finding out about the opening/s.  My principal allowed me to move this year.  I am beyond excited and a bundle of nerves!  I am a huge proponent of hands-on learning.  I am well known for being "the creative teacher" (TGFP - Thank Goodness for Pinterest).  This is an amazing opportunity for me.  I am going to continue to work with ESL students on my campus as well.  GT has always been my "love" and ESL has become a strong like (due to my students, not the paperwork).

Next up...my new room!
Okay, now I'm going to need help!!!!!!!!   How should I set up the tables? 

 I am completely dumbfounded by all of the cabinets!  
It looks fairly spacious and when I get to actually get in there & work on it...I think it will look okay.  
Not perfect at all because in my mind, I've been creating my old classroom with all my crafts. 
Where is Melanie Ralbusky from SchoolGirl Style when I need her???

This Little Piggy is going to have to change the subtitle on my blog.


  1. How exciting for you! Have a wonderful school year! Can't wait to see how you transform your room.

  2. Congratulations on your grade level change! GATE kids can be fun (not like I know, I've never taught GATE, but I've had several combo classes). I can't believe the amount of cabinets in your room! And do you really have 4 sinks in that room? Whoa!
    Have fun decorating!!!

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  3. Well ladies, I ended up moving to the room next door - mainly because I could move in today rather than next Thursday. I made 6 trips and moved almost all of my old classroom into the new one. It is nice to have a bunch of cabinets. I do wish I had a closet or wardrobe. Only 1 sink works. My room is a 25 year old science lab that hasn't been used in over 15 years, so nothing in there is actually functional.
    Oh yeah, my new room has the ugliest orange wall. Of course, I've wanted a focus wall for years...just not orange!
