
Mermaid Classroom Reveal

My room is about 95% finished.  It isn't at all what I expected when I began making the mermaid room sketches.  I began by thinking about my old classroom layout.  This new room is like a whole new world.  Nothing really turned out like I planned, but I went with it.

I'm going to link up with Swimming into Second and a Classy Collaboration to see what other people think about it. 
Do you love it, do you hate it?
What would you change?
What should I add? 

 I finally got to use my cute mermaid from Cara Taylor!  I love those lil' beauties:)

  A huge Thank You for Erin from Lovin' Lit for making me Mermaid Papers and Embellishments to go with it.  I love these cute circles for my table caddies!
 No chairs yet...and my tables need to be raised for 5th Graders.  
But, I LOVE having tables not desks!
 I plan on using these cabinets for birthdays.  
I will put shells with each student's name and their birthdate on the month. 

Since my students will normally have a different schedule, 
I plan on putting out lunch time and our release time on the clocks beside the clock.  
I LOVE my rules poster from Vistaprint!  AWESOME.  

This Little Piggy is still working on the mermaid for the library!  Pics this weekend, hopefully!



My room is about 85% finished, so I don't have final pics just yet (maybe next week).  Below are my beginning pics.  But, I'm excited to show you a little bit of what I've been working on.

Below you'll see the harvest orange wall.  It actually didn't turn out sooo bad.  Not NEAR as bad as I originally thought.  
Next year, I plan to paint it deep grey/blue.
I got rid of the enormous teacher desk and got a trapezoid table for my computer.  It's so much cleaner looking!
You can't see it well, but I painted the corkboard behind the computer. I've had that corkboard for YEARS (well over 10) in my garage.  I painted it teal blue called 'laguna'.  I ran out (oops).  So, my friend had turquoise...I painted over the teal and it actually gave it a grungy "burnt" look.  I love it.   I added chevron ribbon for the criss-crosses and I plan on keeping my own kiddos' pics there.  Oh yeah, I ran out of ribbon so I trimmed it in my lime borderette.

Do you have IKEA bags?  If not, the next time you go get 5 of them.  
Yes, 5.  Two for home and 3 for school.  
They are huge, they never come apart and they are Ahhh-some.  
They are absolutely perfect for carrying lunches or snacks on field trips!  In the pic they are my trash bags so I can walk out to the dumpster and just empty them:) 

This pic stinks, but my wonderful hubby came to school today and helped me hang all of my Vistaprint Creations.  This one is my favorite by far.  I love it.  I know my pics stink today, I promise you'll get better ones this week!   I'm trying to decide if I want to decorate my door or not.  I don't want to - that's why I ordered the banner!  I did might make a pennant with mermaids holding it - hum?  Maybe.

What's this you're asking?  It's my "idea" of my mermaid drawn onto a friend's whiteboard.  
Does anyone else do this?  I had to get it out of my head and onto "paper" (a.k.a. whiteboard).
She's in the library area and I plan on calling it Reading Cove.

This Little Piggy's helping with PK4 on Monday and wearing comfy shoes!


I'm just like Teeny, a Blog Celebrity (sorta)

Sorry I've been neglecting my followers lately.  This new assignment and new classroom arrangement threw me for a loop!  I'm excited about my new GT kiddos and the challenge of teaching them, but everything I made for Made it Monday doesn't really fit with my new assignment...so I'm kind of starting over from scratch!  AHHHHH....

So, I know you know who Teeny Tiny is, right?  
Well, in blogland she's a bit of a celebrity.
She's a blog celebrity who keeps her teaching life and bloggie life separate.
But when they meet, she kind of freaks out.  
We all know who "they" are (they=blog celebrities).  
Moffit, Blue Skies, Lemons, Ms. Jump, Farley, Hope King, Reagan Tunstall you get the idea right?  
So, we "little bloggers" stalk them.  Admit it.  If you can't admit it, I will. 
These were the first blogs I followed and of course we all aspire to one day have huge followings and also be blog celebrities.  It's our one chance at "reality star famedome".  
Oh, it's just me....not you?  
Yes, it's you too.  

So, I'm sitting in inservice yesterday.  It was our "first day of school" procedures and meetings. It was boring as all get out great!  One of our new staff members wants me to make her some ABC cards and we start talking about clipart.  She mentions Melonheadz.
I say my blog was designed by Melonheadz.  She says, "Oh yeah, Jenn said you have a blog.  What's it called?"
Well, I happen to have my iPhone and click on my blog app (like you don't have one).  I show her my blog. All of a sudden her eyes get huge....her mouth opens....she says...."That's YOUR blog?"
I say, "Yeah.  It's my little ol' blog."
Her response, "I read your blog!"
I got really nervous!  I immediately start scrolling through my mind wondering what "all" I've put out there in bloggie world for her/you to read.
She says, "You're kind of famous.  You have a famous blog."
I blush and say, "No I only have a few followers.  Nothing like the big blogs out there."

So, for all my followers out there...thanks for making me "kind of famous". haha I'm soooo kidding.

This Little Piggy is going to work on Saturday.


Vistaprint in the Classroom

I've been a Vistaprint user for 5 years now, my first purchase was my baby shower invites that were ordered in August of 2008.  
Today I got my first order for the year!  I used the Groupon for $17 and if I ordered $25 more then I got FREE Shipping and it was worth it because shipping was around $22.  So I could either pay shipping or get MORE product...Yes, more product:)  

What did I get? 
My Classroom Rules on a Vinyl Banner - LOVE IT! 
It's the size of my refrigerator door (please ignore the ugly magnets at the top).  I uploaded my own design as a .pdf.

I won't be doing homework this year due to my new assignment.
However, I was planning on using these address labels to put into my students' planners if they didn't bring their homework.  
I included my e-mail on it (the grayed out rectangle) so parents could contact me if they wanted to.

My previous team used a clipchart for behavior mngt.  We put colors in our student's daily planners.  We had some kiddos who liked to "change" red to purple...hehehe.  So I thought I'd use these stickers.  Perhaps a stamp would work well too;)

I got 2 stamps - they are pretty small.  
Next time I'll just put 1 word on each or order the larger one.

Last, my FaVoRiTe item!  I originally bought this to cover my door.  
I hate covering our doors - they have a window and are awfully hard to cover.  My thought was that I could hang this below the window.  But, it's a bit big, so maybe I'll put it beside the door and just put a border around the window with E.A. on the front (Exploration Academy).  

I've got a 2nd box coming this week that has posters in it.  Can't wait!  Have you ever ordered from Vistaprint for your classroom?  If not, I'd recommend it!

This Little Piggy got a great deal!   


Exhaustion has set in! BTS Sale

I know you bloggie people think of me as Upper Elementary, but in reality I've taught Middle School, PK, K, 2nd, 3rd and 5th!  Yes, it's true.  I have an ESL Cert. so I get moved a lot. 
I say all of that to let you know that I have a ton of crap teacher stuff in my classroom.  I had to pack up and move my classroom yesterday across 2 hallways!  
Well, it wasn't one trip - nope, more like 6. 
I had 3 big plastic bins, so I'd fill them up, walk across the school, past all of my friends and into a deep, dark hallway, then I'd unpack the bins and go back and do it again!  
I am exhausted. 
It's not completely unpacked, but I only have about 2 more hours to go.  Have I ever told ya'll that my hubby says my Super Power is Turtle Speed?  Yeah, he likes to make fun of me being a slow-poke.  

Lucky for me, I found out that I'm moving to GT prior to the big sale and buying a lot of stuff:)  My wishlist has completely changed, but it's around $35 right now....ahhhh!
If you're a 3rd Grade Teacher in TX, you'll want to check out my Reading Products for BTS.
Sale Button from At Whit's End.
I wanted to link up with Amelia over at Where the Wild Things Learn for the BTS Sale yesterday, 
but I was beat!  So, let's do it today.

These are my top 2 Wishlisted Items....
It includes lyrics for a song, if you want the file, I'll email it to you after purchase:)

Second is my Teacher Toolbox Labels.  
They are around $1 with the discount:)

On my wish list...One Extra Degree's
This is for my GT Kiddos...can't wait!

What's in your cart??

This Little Piggy is sleeping in tomorrow!!!


Big Announcement: I'm teaching...

Do you know how certain teachers move from grade to grade to grade? That is me.  I have multiple certifications in various grade levels and therefore, I get moved A LOT!  3rd Grade Reading actually feels like home to me.
I am moving onward and upward.  This year I will be teaching Upper Elementary Gifted & Talented Students!  This was a move I wanted to make last year, but all of the positions were filled prior to me finding out about the opening/s.  My principal allowed me to move this year.  I am beyond excited and a bundle of nerves!  I am a huge proponent of hands-on learning.  I am well known for being "the creative teacher" (TGFP - Thank Goodness for Pinterest).  This is an amazing opportunity for me.  I am going to continue to work with ESL students on my campus as well.  GT has always been my "love" and ESL has become a strong like (due to my students, not the paperwork).

Next up...my new room!
Okay, now I'm going to need help!!!!!!!!   How should I set up the tables? 

 I am completely dumbfounded by all of the cabinets!  
It looks fairly spacious and when I get to actually get in there & work on it...I think it will look okay.  
Not perfect at all because in my mind, I've been creating my old classroom with all my crafts. 
Where is Melanie Ralbusky from SchoolGirl Style when I need her???

This Little Piggy is going to have to change the subtitle on my blog.


Five Pics on Friday

As I stated yesterday, I'm kind of on "pause" because...
I'm changing assignments.  
I'll have the scoop next week!  Regardless of which grade level or what my title is, I will definitely need school supplies...so I'm going to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to show off my bargains!  I haven't linked up since May, so this will be fun:)

Since I had to cancel my Chevron Border (boo), I ordered solid borderette.  I'm soooooo glad the lime is perfect!  
When the box came, it was HUGE (8 rolls of borderette) and I asked My Girl what she thought could fit inside the box (working on those inferencing skills).  
Her response was, "I know Mama, it's a cat!  Buster (our dog) really needs a friend."  Ha-ha!  Nope, not a cat.  But truthfully, a cat would have fit inside the box rather perfectly.

Then, today I made a quick Dollar Tree run and I found this border.  
I thought maybe I could put it under the green and double layer it.  
What do you think?  Too busy?

This pic stinks, but it's teal letters that have a zig-zag pattern - cute! 

This is a screen pic, but it's still a pic:)  
I used my Vistaprint Groupon yesterday. 
I should be able to use 90% of what I ordered.

I grabbed 4 clocks to post what times my kiddos have lunch/recess/etc...  
Also, one of my favorite classroom supplies are those HUGE erasers.  
Seriously, my kids never ask for an eraser!

This is what my table caddies look like.  
I have a huge eraser, sharpener and a trash can.  
This year, those green/blue plastic bins (pictured above) will contain scissors, crayons and glue:)  
They should fit inside the caddie and the little trash can will sit beside it.
How do you organize your supplies?  

This Little Piggy is getting nervous.



All of my planning is on hold.  

In the meantime, I'm participating in the 3-5 August Facebook Frenzy!
If you have my toolbox labels, then you're GOING TO WANT THIS MATCHING FREEBIE!
I use my FB page to share freebies that I find, 
so if you're a fan of the freebie, like me...then LIKE my page.

This Little Piggy ate dinner at Red Robin....YUM


Showing Off My Crafty Side

I'm off to the pool with my girl to enjoy our last few days of summer!  Since I wasn't able to link up last week, here are my all of my crafty pics!  I love Monday Made It's...it motivates me to do all the things I need to:)

Sorry, this pic isn't cute, but the mailbox is:)

Any explanation needed?

Shell Magnets

My Table Caddies - I have 2 turquoise, 2 lime and 1 orange.  I actually like the orange the best;)

My Mult-Cultural Mermaids:)  Cute huh?  
Again, no cricut or silhouette - plain ol' patterns and scissors.
I decided to do a Wall of Fame for my Clipchart this year - I think I'm going to love it.

I'm going to make pennants with this ribbons (check back next week!).

Station Rotation Board - I decided to use Dots on Turquoise to accent my room this year.  It goes well with my Mermaid Theme and if I decided to nix the mermaids next year, I like the theme enough to go with it for 2 more years.

I forgot that I made these cute cupcakes - if you're feeling hungry they have NO CALORIES...enjoy!

This Little Piggy is using 70 SPF sunscreen.