
Friday Linky Parties:)

It's Friday, let's LINKY!
The infamous Cara Carroll at First Grade Parade is having a Pinterest Linky.  
My Pinterest Boards (<<<follow me here) are filling up with Back to School Stuff, Organization and Ocean/Sea Stuff for my Mermaid theme. 

These are from The Brown Bag Teacher - genre posters...so cute!

These are teacher gifts and/or you could use it to contain pencils in your classroom.

These are cereal boxes that the Naptime Decorator turned intostorage...how cute!  
I bought my wrapping paper and we've got cereal boxes coming out of my ears. Perfect.  
I plan on making a spot for paper, my emergency folder and perhaps for extra homework packets:)  
I might cover the corners/creases with duct tape prior to wrapping for strength.

This pic doesn't link back to anyone:(  
I like the lamp.  I saw a teal lamp at Dollar General (of all places). 
I think I am going back to get it and I'm going to look for a
 white lampshade that I'll paint with green chevron!  CUTE!
I had 1 lamp last year and honestly I love lamps in my classroom vs. fluorescent light!

I say this alllllll the time to my kiddos.  Time to make a poster! 
Technology Rocks Seriously, is a treasure trove of posters and printables (FREEEEEE).  
Go grab some!

Nutella Stuffed Chocolate-Chip Cookies with Salt!  YUM!  

I'm making this for our Lakeside July 4th Celebration this weekend, compliments of This is My Key West.

Easy Tiramisu (no clue if this works...but I'm willing to try Kitchen Nostalgia's Recipe.).

There is another Linky I'd like to join in on. Polka-Dot Lesson Plans is having a Team Teacher Tips Linky.  Most of my teaching career I've been departmentalized.  I prefer it, but it's a personal decision.  This is her first linky and I thought some of my Upper Elementary Friends could link up, too!   

 In my school we teach on 3-people teams (due to #'s) and we are departmentalized 1st - 5th Grade.  I've been on 5 different teams in my 10 years of teaching.  1 of those was an awesome 3-person team (we've been together 2 years now).  I haven't blogged about this yet, but I have been teaching with my perfect teaching partner for 3 years now.  This year she's in a new position and I'm TERRIFIED of who will replace her.  We fit perfectly together and we're total OPPOSITES in every sense of the word.   

Tip #1: Use your strengths.  If you're creative, help the other people decorate their room.  If your counter-part is organized, let them help you put together the team's teacher binder.  

Tip #2: Let it be known to parents that if they are talking to one of you, they are talking to all of you.  

Tip #3:  We use a clipchart to track student behavior.  Each teacher has the exact same clipchart and uses it daily.  Find a system that works for your team and use it religiously.  Planners/Calendars work well as parent communication.

Tip #4:  Scheduling.  Our schedule is made for us, so this isn't a big deal...but be on time when it's time to switch classes or let the other person know.  My team is easy going about it...most AREN'T.  

This Little Piggy has a cutie patootie Made-It Monday for you!  Can't Wait!


  1. Denice, thanks so much for linking up! Getting a new partner is always tough. After working with the same person for a while you get in a groove and working together is so easy and fun! We will be switching from a team of 2 to a team of 3, so I'm a little anxious to see how that will all work out! And I love those pencil containers!
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  2. Loooooove the subway posters!

    And the lamp is my favorite color!! So cute! We aren't allowed to have lamps. :O(

    Love your pins!
    Collaboration Cuties

  3. This is my first year team-teaching, and I couldn't imagine trying to do it with anyone other than the teacher I work with! I really hope that your new buddy will be great!

    The E-Z Class

  4. Hi...I am team teaching for the first time this coming year. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. My partner and I will be using a clip system for our behavior management. I was wondering how do you make this work. My thought is that I would have a set of clips for both my classes in my room. I was wondering how I would communicate where each student is on the chart with my teaching partner. Do you have any tips?
