
The Never Ending School Year and Six for Saturday?

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday Linky...but I'm doing Six for Saturday because I'm Late with a capital "L".

We have 7 1/2 Days left (with kiddos) and according to me - this is The Never Ending School Year.  Many of my colleagues are teaching a 3-week STEM camp.  I know the money is good it will be cool, but I just couldn't do it.  The summer is my only chance to be a SAHM.  My girl is only 4 and no amount of money is worth the time I spend with her.
This pic is from her ballet recital last weekend.  It was soooo cute!  
I could definitely see her growth since December's recital.      
My entire week was Space & Astronaut filled.  We began by reading about Ellen Ochoa.  My kiddos made these awesome K-L Charts (I took out the W due to lack of space) about Astronauts and Ellen Ochoa.
We watched a little Bill Nye the Science Guy.  I really enjoy his videos and learned a lot too:)

The kiddos really enjoyed it.  I didn't do a bulletin board because my items have to be taken down and inventoried by next Wednesday...maybe next year.

On Friday, our 4th & 5th Graders took a Field Trip to NASA in Houston.  Yes, Houston.  They left at 5 a.m. and they were expected to return at 10 p.m.  AHHHHH  I'm sure they had a great field trip and I was asked to go, but I couldn't because I had to pick up my daughter from daycare.  

While they were at NASA, we moved outside and used chalk to draw astronauts floating in space.  
 We launched rockets too (sorry, I didn't take any pics of the process, but it was AWESOME).

This Little Piggy is enjoying her relaxing weekend!


  1. That sounds like a really cool field trip, but I would be in the same boat as you! I love your space activities. Looks like fun! I also agree with summer school and it being good money. I can't give up staying at home with my kids during the summer either.
    First Grade Funtastic

  2. hi there! Just popping by from doodle bugs to say hello - haven't see you for a while!
    Whimsy Workshop 
