
Friday Alliteration Linky's

Five for Friday and Friday Flashback (both alliterations) are great link ups.  Join in the fun with me!
So my kiddos have 22 days of school left (that sounds better than 41/2 weeks) and they are acting as if each day is the last day of school.  So, this week I decided to do a poetry study.  At first, they were not really into it.  Personally, I feel that poetry is not my strongest area of teaching, but it turned out GREAT this week!  I owe it all to....Amanda Madden's Poetry Pizzazz Unit.  EVERYONE around my building is loving my hallway display.  
We began making our Alliterainbows.  I had the kids work in partners all week long (of course, I tried to keep them with the same partner but you know how that goes with absences & 2 new kids this week).  These were the BIGGEST hit of the week for both kiddos and the adults in the building. They all love these!  

We worked on our Simile Sandwiches.  Oops...spelled Simile wrong all week...
These were my favorite and I think they turned out GREAT!
Sorry, I can't get this pic to rotate.

Wednesday I wanted to pull my hair out  was crammed with fun!!  We made Watermelon Rhymes.  The kids and I worked REALLY hard on rhyming poems that had some kind of "theme".  They really wanted to write a story that included the rhyming words inside the story.  I wanted them to write a poem that had a theme with rhyming words at the end of each line.  It worked out in the end, but I think I was married to my vision.   
Sooo sorry about these pics...blogger rotating my pics for some reason.
This poem is about a soccer game and I thought it was ingenious.  
This poem was about football and I thought it was fabulous!!
We worked on our Pyramid/Napkin Poems.  Now, these would be OOOHHH so cute on actual napkins, but I have 68 kiddos b/c of departmentalization so the kiddos cut manila paper into triangles.  Next year, I'll cut them one more time so they are smaller.    Again, I gave the students a theme.  Today was weather/seasons. 

 Finally, it was time to assemble our "picnics".  We (teachers, not admin) have a "thing" in our building that our displays should look kid created not adult created.  Now, I have to admit that it often makes me cringe.  I hate seeing the lop-sided or uneven...but it's definitely kid created.  I have gotten sooo many compliments on these picnics.  I've had teachers knock on my door during class to let me know how cute they are.  The teachers who are also parents of my students have LOVED seeing these!  I also did a little art lesson on perspective.  The top layer is sky, the middle layer is grass and the bottom layer is a blanket/tablecloth.  
Without further adieu...

And finally, meet our new family pets...
Meet Gobi 2.0 (R.I.P. Gobi the First)

Meet Rex

This Little Piggy wants to sleep in soooo bad...not gonna happen (boo)!    


  1. OH, Deniece! I LOVE how your picnic displays turned out! How creative to display them all like that! So glad that your kiddos had fun with the activities, and I appreciate the shout-out! :)

    We have our Poetry Picnic celebration on Monday and I'm kind of sad to see this unit end! ;)

    Teaching Maddeness

  2. SUPER CUTE! I think that we could do a version of this in First Grade. :D I love it! I am glad to know that my kids aren't the only ones who are showing their ... ah hem, "excitement" in these last few weeks.

    THANKS so much for sharing!
    ~Nikki T
    Smart Tarts Learning
