
My 150 Follower's Giveaway is Up & Running! 3 Prize Packs!!

I decided to do a 150 follower's giveaway a few weeks ago and by the next week...I had 170 followers!  Whoa.  But, we're still going to celebrate 150 followers!
My Piggies are from Nikki at Melonheadz and the fonts are from kevinandamanda.com
This Little Piggy went around and gathered up some AH-MAZING prizes for you!  These products are wonderful and I promise you can use them in your classroom!  I have pretty much purchased something from everyone in my giveaway.  I promise they pass on great ideas and it doesn't hurt that they are pretty funny too!

On to the Prizes...
This is a fabulous variety for K-2 
math, games, vocabulary, 3 winner's choice and classroom awards! 
I am honored to have these awesome bloggers help me out!  
Jennifer from First Grade Blue Skies was the first blog I ever read.  I am giddy (yes, I said giddy) to have her product in my giveaway!  These frames are free from Teacher Tam.

a Rafflecopter giveaway As you know, I teach 3rd Grade so this Pack had to be grrrr-8! 
ONE of my fellow Upper Elementary Teachers will love this pack that includes 3 Winner's Choice. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway I'm super-dee-dooper excited about this last pack-  
It has clipart, backgrounds and frames.  I love frames!  
Let's be serious, did you think I would have a giveaway and not give away piggies?  

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This Little Piggy's TpT Store is on Sale through Monday!


  1. I am so glad that I found this post because I had never seen you blog before and I found so many other great reading blogs as well! As a reading teacher, I am always looking for new reading ideas and blogs. I have now followed so many great ones and added their (and your) blog buttons to my blog! Thank you for introducing me to so many great ideas and resources!

    ~Kahla Martin
    Miss Martin’s Classroom

  2. This is great! I found your blog through the forum on TpT. In addition to being a second grade teacher, I am also the Literacy Coordinator for my building, PreK-4. I'm looking forward to getting many new ideas to share! I entered for the clipart and borders. Not that I need anymore!!! ~ Lisa, Second Grade Stories

  3. Oh man! Your field trip fails sound way worse than mine.. and all in one year?! I think I'd stay my happy self at school next year. :) Thanks for stopping by and letting me know about the give-away. I entered!

    The 4th Grade Journey

  4. Miss Martin, I'm glad you stopped by.
    Lisa, I couldn't do both jobs -- and still be sane! Plus there is such a difference between reading in K and reading in 4th!,
    Yes Mandy, I am glad I have at least a 6 month break before my next one!


  5. Love your giveaways! Congrats on movin' on up!! :)

  6. The giveaway looks great! Thanks so much for putting in the time and energy to host this. I blogged about the giveaway today, so hopefully that will help spread the word a little. :)

  7. happy to have found your CUTE blog and giveaway! CONGRATS on your rising blog following.. I'm also throwing a giveaway in honor of 200 followers & my BDAY!! you're welcome to join in on the festivities ... Also on the stats I notice filmhill.com A LOT as well - what's up with that??
    Antonia @ forkin4th

  8. It's amazing how you can hop around blogland and miss so many great blogs! I've never come across yours before but I'm so glad that I have. All the best with your giveaway - it looks fab. And I've met some terrific new friends along the way too.


