

Are there any other Soap lovers out there?  
I was raised on Soaps and I still love a good drama!  I went to half day Kindergarten and I would watch All My Children, then my mom would take me to Kindergarten.  
General Hospital is AWESOME right now - they are brining back some oldies, but goodies!!

I hate shopping.  
I know, I know it seems crazy to most women, but I shop like a man...
I have a list and I go get what I need. 
Online shopping is like a Godsend!

So, the rule was to write 3 words that begin with the same letter as your first name & you're thinking..."Wait, it says your name is Deniece."  
Well, it is.  But it's not my first name!  
Can you guess my 1st name?  No one has guessed  my 1st name...keep those guessing coming! 
 I'll give you my Prefix and Suffix Pack or...
  My Spring Chickies Clipart - Your Choice!

This Little Piggy needs about 32 hours in a day, not 24!!


  1. Love your blog name! I've only taught 1st and 4th! :)

    Would also love 2 weeks for Spring Break!

    Learning is for Superstars
    Learning is for Superstars is on Facebook

  2. Your blog is way too cute . . . loving it! Hmmmm . . . Jennifer? And I would LOVE 2 weeks off for spring break as well. :)

  3. Your first name issss... Janet? LOL I'm just like you with shopping. I make a list, get in, get out. I love going and shopping, but I don't like doddling and just hangin' behind and stuff... not for me!! Josh Turner = <3. 2 weeks for spring break would be FANTASTIC - if you get it, let me know ;)

    I used to watch soaps when I was younger at my babysitter's house, but not anymore... not consistent enough to watch tv every day at the same time so I don't get to see any anymore!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  4. I am going to head over and check out your prefix and suffix packet in a minute! I could really use it! Is your name... Janice? We just read Rumplestiltskin in my room and this reminds me a little of her guessing his name at the end! LOL! I watched General Hospital after morning kindergarten every day too! Wish I had time to watch it now! So glad I found your cute blog through Currently!

  5. Oh I love soaps to. I grew up watching Y&R with dinner, now I watch B&B daily and General Hospital if I am home. Cute blog!

  6. Hi Deniece,
    I love your clipart...super cute. Thanks for sharing so I can check it out.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  7. Not Jennifer, not Janet. Although I love/d Three's Company and my baby doll when I was little was named Janet.

    I only get 1 week of Spring Break. 2 would be freaking awesome.

  8. Heidi, not Janice. I DVR all my soaps. GH is doing their 50th anniversary and tons of the oldies are back - FRISCO too.

    2 Peas - B&B is the weirdest soap to me - they all date eachother - yuck. haha.

  9. I love your blog! The name and the pigs are sooooo cute! I am your newest follower!!
    The Phonics Phenomenon

  10. Hey girly, I am now a follower, and I tried to reply but you don't have your settings turned on so that I can reply by email, so go back and check the post. I've added another tip, hoping that will help you! :)
    ideas by jivey

  11. JIvey, I've tried to switch to a "reply blogger" setting multiple times, but it will not let me change it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Not Jennifer? I'll go with Julie. My siblings and I are all J names. = )

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  14. Nope, not Julie - Julie Deniece doesn't sound all that great. But I do love the nn Jules. Keep on Guessing....
