
5 for Friday + More Free Fonts

I'm going to link up again this week for DoodleBug's Teaching for her Weekly Link Up.

#5)  I was on Spring Break this week:)  
The good news, I needed the break and hubby had the week off too.  
The bad news, I go back to work on Monday and it was entirely too short!

#4) We spent the beginning of the week camping.  
And then.....my daughter got sick.  Ugh.  
Why does she always seem to get sick right before I have to go back to work??

#3)  If you've read any of my Currently's you'd know I've wanted an iPad FOREVER!  
I finally got one this week! 
I also got the ugliest possible case. But, I'm a clutz and I HAVE TO HAVE A SERIOUS MILITARY GRADE COVER. 

#2) I had lunch today with my girlfriends from college.  It was great to see them!  
 We have seen eachother through some serious times - marriages, divorces, babies, moving, deaths of parents, family dilemas and even bankruptcies.  
One of them I've known for 20 years!

#1) So, I mentioned my new toy, my iPad.  
I'm in love with making fonts.  
I've got 4 more for you!  Again, please link back to my blog or my TpT store -either one:)  
Let me know if you like any of them.  
I was inspired by music today.  
I don't normally listen to the radio because my daughter is usually in the car with me, but today she stayed home sick with Daddy.

This Little Piggy is in denial that Spring Break is Over!


  1. Wow - you had a super productive week! Thanks so much for the fonts - those are great! And definitely get the sturdy case if you're clutzy. Those new minis crack just looking at them the wrong way!

    Lucky to Be in First

  2. Molly, I did get a "Survivor Case" - it's lime and royal blue (ick). My husband said I had to have a case or I couldn't buy the iPad. You mentioned I was productive, but I didn't accomplish ANYTHING on my "to-do" list - haha.

  3. I am at the end of Spring Break too! Love your rock n roll font - thanks so much for sharing!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  4. I love your fonts! Enjoy the new iPad!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans
