
It's Currently Time & a Tutoring Freebie

All of my new TpT products have a Chevron cover.  I'm a little obsessed with Chevron and Grey at the moment.  It's sooooo not me.  I'm a Polka-Dot and Turquoise kind of girl.  Is it odd I describe myself using patterns??
I want some seriously awesome STAAR scores this year.  With the phase in, you would think I wouldn't be stressed, right?  Nope, I'm not happy with my data.  I taught Saturday School...do you need more proof?
We all know there's a sale this Sunday.  What are you going to buy?  I'm going to get clipart.  This is actually my 1st Sale as a Store:)  My goal is to sell enough this qtr. to pay for my premium membership.  I'm on track...let's hope it works out.  I finally finished my Spelling Choice Menu Boards.  I use these every week for Homework.  

My students have Reading Tutoring on Tuesday and Math Tutoring on Thursday.  As students enter my room (every day) their first question is..."Do we have tutoring today?"  I see 66 kids per day, so on #22 I'm sick of hearing that question.  I decided to make some signs to put outside my door.  I have a page protector outside my door and I will just slide these into it.  Click here or on the pic to get them for FREE:)

 Hop by and join in on Mary's Giveaway at Pitner's Potpourri.  I'm giving away my Non-Fiction Text Feature's Game that you can use with any book.  

This Little Piggy is excited about her 1st SALE!


  1. I see you're a fellow Texas teacher! Howdy! I also wish I could get on top of, if not ahead of my prep and planning. One of these days... :)

  2. Deniece,
    I LOVE Oswald! My kids used to watch it all the time.
    Good luck on the sale and have a great Sunday!
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Found your cute blog through the linky party! You linked up right before me. I love finding new bloggers through them...I am your newest follower :)
    I'm with ya on the lazy parents...worst!
    Kickin' it in Kindergarten

  5. I just love the piggies on your blog! They make me smile!
    Second Grade is Out of This World!

  6. One of my kids woke up sick tis morning, so I feel your pain!

    The tutoring signs are a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  7. Lazy parents are the worst! The worst is when they say they will come in for a meeting and no show/no call! I am your newest follower!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  8. Yup lazy parents are my pet peeve. I have some every year and its sad but they are the same ones whose kids could be a-honor roll with just a little push! Disgusting
