
Friday Linky and a Guessing Game

I have seen this linky party for a few weeks now and as much as I love a linky, on Friday I don't normally turn on my computer.  Today is different, I left work at 3:30, picked up my daughter around 4 and we were home by 4:10!  WOO HOO.  Stop by Doodle Bugs Teaching and Link Up too!

#1) First off, EVERYONE in the 3rd Grade PASSED their Weekly Reading Assessment (Cause & Effect)!!  You don't understand what an accomplishment that is.  It's pretty darn amazing!  I did have a few who had to do a 2nd take and work on their strategies, but once they used text evidence to prove their answers...they passed with flying colors!  YIPPIE!

#2) This Valentine's Day was possibly the best one I've ever had at school!  
I found this on pintrest...
and I just had to do it.  Isn't she adorable?  

I should have used construction paper and cut out hearts and made the kids wear red shirts (note to self: remember this for next year).  This is my version.  I had the students make cards for their "loved ones". 

 I think they turned out great & my kiddos loved them:)  
For some reason, I didn't take any pics of our V-Day card exchange.  It was very low key this year.  

#3) I sold my 1st piece of clipart this week! Yeah!  

#4) My two teacher bestie's made the cutest little 100 year old kidlets! 
This one is my FAVORITE...
Don't you love how he has a bald spot....te-he-he.

#5) Our district didn't do "steps" for years of service this year (or last year, or the year prior), instead (this year only) we get a bonus.  We got 70% in December and I get the other 30% in March!  I completely forgot about it until someone mentioned it today...guess what I'm buying?
Seriously, the first person to comment and guess what I'm buying with my bonus will get my Spring Chickies Clipart for FREE!

This Little Piggy is having (beef) BBQ for dinner...yummy!


  1. I love those Valentine pics! So want to do that next year. I am guessing an ipad.

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  2. AMC, you got it! I want to make FONTS Soooooo BAD!

    I'll email you my spring chickies!

  3. Your clipart is adorable. Can't wait to use it! Thanks so much. Can't wait to see your fonts!

  4. Your blog is too cute!! I love it! I'm your newest follower. Thanks for sharing!


  5. I love the pictures! Where we would be without Pinterest?

    1. I know, I think half of my sentences start with, "I saw this idea on Pinterest."

  6. Aimee...my computer is actually only 2 yrs old (that was a tax return baby).

    Congrats AMC! I can't wait to make them either. I've actually started doodling already;)

    Welcome Mrs. Harris!
