
I'm on a Linky Kick!

If you've never visited Making it as a Middle School Teacher's blog, you have to go!  Honey Bunch designed her beautiful blog (mine too).  I L-O-V-E the colors and patterns.  This linky isn't about resolutions, but more about what is to come and your interests.  It reminds me a lot of Farley's Currently and you know you love the Currently...so go link up!
Making as a Middle School Teacher's Linky for 2013

This Little Piggy will shop at a non-plus-size store!  Even if I have to have surgery to do it!! 


  1. OOH! You have a Mimeo? I'm jealous! A colleague got to pilot one last year, and she showed us all the fabulous things you can do with it! It (almost) convinced me that I don't really need a SmartBoard. :-)

    Best of luck with your goals!

    Mme Aiello @ Teaching FSL

  2. Okay I must be completely in the dark...what is a Mimeo? I love love love Whole Brain Teaching. I have used pieces of it for a couple of years, but I'm trying to be much more intentional this year! Good luck with everything!

    Dana (Your newest follower)
    Live Learn Teach for Life

  3. Good luck with your Daily 5! I love it...my kids are so much better when I'm meeting with groups! Also...I'm nice. I will be your bloggy friend! LOL :-)

    Happy New Year! I'm a new follower!

    Craft of Teaching

  4. Well, we have a Mimeo on our campus that we can use, but NO ONE uses it. I want to learn how to use it. I might spend tomorrow watching online videos. It's basically a way to make a plain ol' white board turn into a smart board, from what I know.

    D Frideley
    p.s. Nicole...you're my new bestie.

  5. Hi,
    Joined the Linky Party 2013. Such fun. Thanks for your support.

    Happy New Year,
    Math Central

  6. Thanks so much for linking up and joining in the fun!

    50 Shades was a.maz.ing!

    I so want to attend a WBT conference over the summer. Best of luck with all of your goals!

    Making It As A Middle School Teacher

  7. Hi, I just found your blog through the linky party. I LOVE your little piggy format, it's so cute. I'm glad that I'm not the only one how still hasn't read 50 Shades of Grey. That's on my to read list too. I'm looking forward to reading more from you this year.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars
