
Let's Linky!

There are a bunch of Linky Parties going on and I really want to do one myself!  I might try it this week.
First up, Farley's Nov. Currently.  

Next is my Top 10 Things I'm Thankful For over at Stories by Storie.  
I love her name, don't you?  Good thing we're done having babies b/c I'd have to break from our Kardashian Theme with the "L's" and name a girl Storie.  I just adore it.  

This Little Piggy is Working on some FREEBIES!  
I hope you'll ignore my multiple postings in one day!


  1. Thank you for linking up! Oh, and thanks for the compliment on my name. It may have been different growing up with a name like Storie, but I'm grateful for it now : ) I'm following your blog now, too!
    Stories by Storie

  2. Hi-
    I just found your blog via the linky party over on Farley's page. Wanted to pop by and say hi and let you know I am your newest follower! I hope you get an iPad soon...it is an awesome thing..I am still trying to find more ways for my kids to use it in the classroom (and stop being so selfish and hogging it myself!!)
    Tales from a 4th (and 5th) Grade Teacher

  3. I just found your blog through Farley's linky. I love your blog design! It's adorable! I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving break too!
    JustAnother PBJ Day

  4. Howdy ladies!
    Storie, I've followed your blog for a while now, but recently had a glitch and lost all my "followings", so I had to re-do them.

    Patti, I should get a bonus check (performance pay) and I plan to use it to buy an iPad!

    Cindy, I just commented on your blog. I love the name! Your Halloween costume was so awesome!

  5. Hi there! I found you through Farley's Currently. I don't know much about the Kindle Fire, but we have an iPad and we LOVE it!! My 3-year-old thinks it's his though... And I hear ya about letting the hubs go to the grocery store. Mine went today too, and I think he came more with more than what I put on the list...

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  6. Hooray for chocolate! And the Hill Country. Love the little piggies on your blog. Melonheadz is one of my favorites!

  7. Hello Angela
    Thanks for stopping by. Yes my hubby has a rule of 2 when he shops and my goodness we have a ton of stuff, but not much to cook. I'm worried if I get an iPad my 3 yr old will try to take it over. My friend bought her daughter that red kid iPad type tablet. Not sure I'm ready to spend that much.

    Ms. O,
    You have no clue what I'd give to have a Librarian like you!! During budget cuts, our district eliminated all Librarians and now we have a library aide. Hope your teachers know what they have in you!

  8. I found your blog through Storie's Thankful linky and I am your newest follower. I hope the holiday season brings you an iPad- it is amazing and I don't know what I would do without that little thing. Happy to have found your blog :)!
    Sent From My iPad

  9. Hi Nikki! I have a feeling I'll end up with the Kindle Fire not the iPad. I'm too cheap! ha

    Thanks for coming by!
