
My week in pics

This week in pictures...

Happy Fall...these are the owls we made on Thursday.  

Earlier this week we made predictions using the Treasures story, My Very Own Room.  My kids liked the story.  Me, not so much.  I did do this cute craft where we put our predictions under a quilt.  They loved making this!!
My baby got her ballet shoes & she loved them! When she put them on she said, "Mommy they are pink and they are beautiful!" Ahhh...

I spent ALL DAY Friday at a training (we did get a 2 hour lunch).  I saw this on the table.  It's obviously a family tree. Well, I don't want to make family trees, but I thought I might be able to use it for poetry or synonyms/antonyms.  Hum...any ideas?

Guys I really need help teaching students how to write their own poetry...got any tips or does anyone have a post that they have seen?  

I'm late, but I'm linking up with Amanda from Teaching Maddness  She doesn't know it, but I a quite obsessed with her fonts!  I'm also incredibly jealous b/c I don't have an iPad, but I do have a font obsession that started way back when I was in college (yup, almost 2 decades ago) and I got my 1st PC.

This little piggy has a 3 day weekend!


  1. Have I mentioned how PRECIOUS your blog design is? I just love it! :) Thanks so much for linking up your pictures of your week...I love that idea! And, I'm so glad you're enjoy the fonts! :)

    Teaching Maddeness

  2. I love the design too. I'm wanting an iPad so I can make fonts too!!!!
