Day 1 - Meet the Teacher!
Me, I'm Deniece. At home I'm Mommy to my 3 year old little girl. I'm Wife to my husband of 6 years. We have grand plans to retire in the Texas Hill Country. He promises that I can get a baby goat! We can't wait. In the meantime, we try to get out to Fredericksburg as often as possible. I'm addicted to Soap Opera's. I miss AMC something terrible. My summer just wasn't the same.
At Work, I teach 3rd Grade Reading. I've been at my school since it opened (that is saying a lot in a district with major turn-over), this is year 7 for me. I've been teaching 9 years total. I've taught all grades PK- 7 except 1st and 4th. I
hated disliked 6th grade. I really like 3rd grade. I love being departmentalized. I'm known for being "crafty". Lots of people come to me for ideas or as a springboard for their ideas. I like that;) My teaching philosophy is to use hands-on lessons and group work to allow students to explore ideas with eachother. I don't teach in a perfect little red school house with perfect children. I teach in an old leaky building where kids deal with adult problems and some don't know the difference between good and bad choices. Some days, I want to pack my bags and run screaming from the craziness, but I am often reminded that God has a plan for me and that I am where I am supposed to be.
I love the last line of your post! Thanks for sharing. :)