
Working at Turtle Speed & A Surprise in My "Welcome Back Bag"

I finally got in my room today!!  I didn't get everything done that I wanted to.  Let's be serious, I only have 4 days to set up my classroom, plus an extra hour here & there.  I need to get moving!!  I'm just PLAIN NOT Good at set-up.  I think having NO AIR also contributed to my turtle speed today.  My husband jokes and says that my X-Men Power is Turtle Speed, I'm deceptively slow;)   These are my "before" pics.

View from my door - yes I still have chalkboards.  

This style of desk makes room arrangement much harder!  They take up a ton of space & the classrooms at my school are pint sized compared to those I see in Bloggie World!

 I do have 1 more bookshelf that I'll bring in tomorrow.

My Oh-So Ugly Lovely partition wall.   

I set-up my room.  Sorry this is a horrible pic & truthfully, this is how I left it today:((

I separated my supplies.  Yes, I know it's a lot of glue, but each one was about .25c and I always run out of glue somewhere around April.

Today I regretted 2 things.  First, I wish I would have made a teachers toolbox & honestly I still might do it;)  Next, I really should have bought my laminator b/c I have a HUGE pile of lamination to cut and assemble before Monday.  

Oh, I completely forgot!!  I got an amazing surprise today!!!  At the bottom of my "Back to Work Bag" I found a brand spanking new Xacto Sharpener. 

You might not think this is anything to get excited about...but take a look at my old one!

On Tomorrow's Schedule: Bulletin Boards, Bulletin Boards, Bulletin Boards!!

1 comment:

  1. I always move at turtle speed on day one too. I spend most of the time sitting in the middle of the room thinking, staring, and waiting for inspiration to strike. Day 2 is always more productive.

    The Teaching Thief
