
Get Organized - Make a To-Do-List

Last night I had my first mini-melt down. I call this a "mini" because I know the big one is coming that Saturday before school begins and I still have about 20 little things to finish up.
So this year, in the spirit of organization (or rather not trying to lose my sanity) I made a Top 10 List.

1) Finish corkboard (it's about 30% finished)
2) Decide if I want to mod-podge my bookshelf
  • Clean Bookshelf
  • Buy 6 more book baskets
  • Create Labels for Baskets, Cut, Laminate & Attach
3) Make Attendance Board with Clips
4) Create an Exit Ticket Board. I saw this one
5) Create Brownie Points Board/s - well I teach 3 different classes and I'm not sure I want to do 3 Brownie Points Boards due to space, but we'll see. I was also thinking cups with clips for each table as an incentive - not sure.
6) RTI Baskets
  • 5 Blue Baskets
  • Make Copies, Laminate, Cut Sight Words
  • Make 2 Games to Put inside the Basket for them to play
7) Games for Stations/Signs for Stations/Bins for Stations
8) Figure out Station Rotation - look at blogs for ideas
9) Buy Border - pink, black, turquoise/green
10) Make Sound/Volume Board - you can get a freebie from one of my favorite blogs


  1. Hi Deniece! Thanks for the shout-out! I'm very excited about my tracking learning poster, so I'm so happy you will be able to use it too. Looks like you have been very busy. Good luck with final preparations for school. :)

    The Teaching Thief

  2. Deniece,
    Thanks a bunch for sharing my Sound Chart on your fabulous blog. I am right there with you! I have so many projects I want to finish before school, and I don't know where my summer went! I better start a To-Do list :)
    Totally Terrific in Texas

  3. Hey! I wrote you back on my blog, but I wasn't sure if you would get it, so I'm posting it here, too:) I know it's forever-long, but I wanted to answer your questions as thoroughly as I could!! Cute blog by the way!!

    Hi Deniece! No, I'm not departmentalized. I'm self-contained which is a challenge and blessing at different times! The challenge is teaching all the different subjects effectively, and the blessing is the flexibility in my schedule! If we need that extra 20 minutes for reading, we can take it:)

    About the board-I think you could do it any way that works for you! Even one rotation a day would guarantee you would see every student at least once a week in a smaller setting! Two rotations would even work, and then you could do two more the following day. Some days I could only squeeze in 10 minute rotations, and we made it work! It was beneficial for me to see those kids for 10 minutes rather than nothing at all.

    The kids know what group they are in from a sticky note I stick on the board. Under each of those stars is where I put the stickies. The groups are definitely flexible, and all I have to do is move the stickies around! I would mix up groups depending on what skill we were working on that week.

    My kids had independent reading in the morning for about 30 minutes. We had specials first thing in the morning, so as soon as they came back in the room, they knew they had to grab their book boxes and start reading. Sometimes I would pull kids during that time, but I really wanted everyone to be reading without interruptions! As soon as they were done reading, I did a quick mini lesson, and then we would rotate. Some days my lesson was long, so we didn't have rotations. It's really just flexible to what you want to do! Some weeks I made sure we rotated MWF with a full lesson/practice on TTH. So anything you decide to will work! It's just important that you like it, and it works for you.

    Sorry this is so long, but I hope it helps you!! Let me know if you have any other questions!!


    Stickers and Staples

    1. Thanks for the info! I've GOT to set something in stone so I can create/find items and nail this down! My indecisiveness is not working for me here!

  4. Hey there! I am so sorry it took me so long to get back to you about my Word Wall. I just got home from vacation! I will most definitely see if I can dig up a pick this evening from last year. I'll send you an email later today! I am your newest follower :)

  5. It is so easy to get so overwhelmed. To Do lists are the way to go. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!!

    Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas

  6. I just found your Blog; I am stoked!!! WONDERFUL job and I look forward to reading more of your posts. Stop by and visit anytime!
