
I'm D-O-N-E. Pics of my finished classroom.

Update June 2012 
**I'm linking this post with The Applicious Teacher.  I know that birdies and green/blue are very popular this year.  Maybe someone will get inspiration:)  
For the 2013-2014 School Year I plan on decorating with Mermaids.  I'm also making some class decor packs for friends at work that you'll find in my TpT store:)  Right now I've got Zebra and Animal Print.  Ladybugs, Polka-Dots and Chevron, Monsters and SuperHeros to come:)

My classroom basically looks like pintrest jumped out of the screen and landed in my room!! *WARNING* PIC Heavy Post

When you enter my classroom door, this is pretty much what you see.  

This is my classroom library and all the different shots of it:) It's probably my favorite spot in the room!
To create the pillows, I just printed a full page sized letter and cut it out to make a template. I ironed wonder-under onto the material.  I traced, cut and ironed the letters onto the pillows.  I used mod podge around the edges b/c I didn't have any frey check.  
I know I downloaded this from a blog of a Kinder teacher, but I can't find it.  If it's your creation, please let me know!

My great work spotted wall!  Again, inspired by   http://clutterfreeclassroom.blogspot.com/  

You'll find the text features at primarypunch.blogspot.com
You'll find the cute chevron cursive alphabet at

I'm not finished with my Q of the Day (I put a header on it, but didn't like it. So I'll make a new one before school on Monday).  You can find the Q of the Day at one of my favorite 3rd grade blogs

You can find the clipchart at thecolorfulclassroom.blogspot.com
I got the hand signal signs from   http://clutterfreeclassroom.blogspot.com/  during the TpT sale
I also got the pieces on my focus wall from one of my fav 3rd grade blogs -

This is organized, for me.

My $3 find at wal-greens!  The other one won't open. I have to take it back tomorrow...
This was my 1st birdie.  He kind of inspired the room.
Above: Flower Stickers that I glued Magnets to!  Cutie
Inside my crates.  I put those HUGE erasers in there.  Pencils aren't a huge issue, but erasers are hard to come by in my classroom!
I labeled every table to match the Exit Ticket Poster.  

I found this pic online of a vinyl cling called Tree of Knowledge. I tried to re-make it using stickers from the Dollar Tree.  The Letters READ are from a Baby Shower Banner I found at Wal-Mart on Clearance for .55c!!  Sorry the pic isn't great, the one from the front had serious "glare".  Yes, I ran out of hot pink border, but luckily a friend down the hall bought light pink!  Normally I don't 2-tone.

The things hanging from the ceiling are killing me!  I feel claustrophobic.  I think they have about a week and then I'll take them down.  I know for many of you, a cute, pretty classroom is fairly easy to create but not for me!  It seriously took me weeks of planning and I think it looks great!!!  I'm a wonderful copy-catter!!!


They're coming, They're really coming!

In less than 72 hours, the kiddos will come into my classroom.  AHHHHH!  I've been posting pics as I get the room ready.  I'll post my "final" pics tomorrow.  I feel good about my room.  It's the "talk" of the school!  Everyone seems to really like it.  I like it.  I want to thank the people in bloggie world and pintrest b/c I have copy-catted my butt off!!!!! 

Off Topic: Did anyone else watch GH today?  I've watched Soap Operas all my life (yes, my mom and grandma watched them when I was little) and I've never, ever seen soap people watch t.v.  How random that everyone in Port Charles was watching t.v. today.


Spray Paint & updated class pics

My mom began spray painting my huge bookshelf.  Originally it was "circus" red, blue and cream colored stripes.  It was hideous!  Normally, I tried to hide it in a corner.  Last year my sister covered it with brown butcher paper and we wrapped "vines" (a.k.a. twisted green butcher paper) around it and hot glued flowers on it.  Not this year!  This year, I decided to paint the ugly things in my classroom;)  This is my mom's final product!  It took WAY, WAY more spray paint than I anticipated, but I think I'll really enjoy looking at it this year.
I'm not finished putting my supplies away, but for the work week, it looks fairly organized! 
Classroom library w/o books
Up Close of my "birdie"
My dad just called from COSTCO and............he bought me the laminator!  It's on sale for $15 if anyone wants one!!  YEAH!!!  This is AWESOME!!!!


Monday Made It w/Class Pics

It's time for Monday Made it with Tara @ 4th Grade Frolics.  I'm incorporating my classroom pics b/c I've been making a classroom;)

First up, I made this bulletin board!  Am I the only one who loves these colors?
This will be my focus wall.
 Next, is the bookshelf.  It's a work in progress.  My mom put Kilz on it, then we sprayed it with Krylon "ivy" spray paint.  The paint ran/dripped like crazy!  It's also a bit more yellow than I anticipated.  I think it's looks a little camo-ish.  I think I'm going to bling it out.  I am also seriously short on containers b/c our Dollar Tree is O-U-T!!!!!!  If anyone near DFW knows where I can get some of the blue ones, please let me know.
My cute new rug!  I heart Big Lots!  
 Moving on, I made this tree bulletin board based on Mrs.Picasso's Art Room and her bulletin board I found on pintrest!  My sister went a little crazy on the "birds".  I think it's a pretty good match.  Next week I want to add a pennant "Welcome" Banner.
Mrs. Picasso's Bulletin Board

My Bulletin Board 
 Finally, my infamous table skirt.  I'll call it "Mommy Made it"  b/c my mother came to school and sweated her way through the day and made this!
This is the infamous table skirt!!!  


Clues of blog stalking

Well, I'm up to 40 followers:)  That makes me smile.  It's funny, I can tell no one else at my school stalks teaching blogs b/c no one has a cute toolbox or birthday balloons;)  Ha-Ha!!  I'm supposed to be at Office Depot right now, getting my SWAG on.  I just don't even feel like lifting my arms and washing my face - seriously, how sad is that?

I had help yesterday setting up my classroom - my mom & sister.  We are all exhausted!  The one thing I forgot to do TAKE PICTURES!!!  Seriously, they came on the intercom at 4:25 and told us to be out in 5 min. so we had just enough time to stuff our crap things in a bag, grab phones and run out.  I left my camera, my lunch bag and my entire box of scrapbook paper & ribbon!!!!  AHHHHH.........

Does anyone else go in with a plan/vision & then once you get going, it changes?  Well, this happened to me...but I really like the changes:)  It's no secret that I love pink!!  These are pics of my daughter's nursery & her big girl room.  If you notice the walls are pink - my husband calls them pepto-pink!
I went in my classroom with the idea that I would do alot of black and add turqoise, green and pink with it.  I ended up with very little black.  Instead of pink, turquoise and green are the "colors".  My room is going to look awesome!  It's very calming & unique.  I can't wait for final pics.  My mom made my table skirt & it looks amazing (btw, if you're doing a table skirt for a kidney table, you need about 5yards of fabric and velcro)!!!  I also have a reason to search pintrest today b/c my sister gave me a great idea to make a portable bulletin board (since I can't get back in my room until Thursday)...I'll do a post on it later!


Working at Turtle Speed & A Surprise in My "Welcome Back Bag"

I finally got in my room today!!  I didn't get everything done that I wanted to.  Let's be serious, I only have 4 days to set up my classroom, plus an extra hour here & there.  I need to get moving!!  I'm just PLAIN NOT Good at set-up.  I think having NO AIR also contributed to my turtle speed today.  My husband jokes and says that my X-Men Power is Turtle Speed, I'm deceptively slow;)   These are my "before" pics.

View from my door - yes I still have chalkboards.  

This style of desk makes room arrangement much harder!  They take up a ton of space & the classrooms at my school are pint sized compared to those I see in Bloggie World!

 I do have 1 more bookshelf that I'll bring in tomorrow.

My Oh-So Ugly Lovely partition wall.   

I set-up my room.  Sorry this is a horrible pic & truthfully, this is how I left it today:((

I separated my supplies.  Yes, I know it's a lot of glue, but each one was about .25c and I always run out of glue somewhere around April.

Today I regretted 2 things.  First, I wish I would have made a teachers toolbox & honestly I still might do it;)  Next, I really should have bought my laminator b/c I have a HUGE pile of lamination to cut and assemble before Monday.  

Oh, I completely forgot!!  I got an amazing surprise today!!!  At the bottom of my "Back to Work Bag" I found a brand spanking new Xacto Sharpener. 

You might not think this is anything to get excited about...but take a look at my old one!

On Tomorrow's Schedule: Bulletin Boards, Bulletin Boards, Bulletin Boards!!


*Freebie Restroom Pass on goggle docs

I made another item today Restroom Passes .  If it works for you, you're more than welcome to use it.  

Our school is doing a big push on Fry's and Dolch Sight Words this year.  So I added a 2nd page with them for the backside.  

I know, I know everyone is making those cute sanitizer bottles for passes.  I was going to make some too, but I started thinking... Where are they going to put it when they go to the restroom?  On the floor?  YUCK-O!