
Mermaid Library Reveal - Name my Mermaid!

I FINALLY have students.  I am jinxing myself, but I Love LOve LOVe LOVE this new GT position!  I hate doing all the meetings and paperwork, but the kids are awesome.

Today I am revealing a little more of my classroom and...the Mermaid Library.

My bloggie inspiration, Jennifer White from First Grade Blue Skies inspired my Mermaid Library.  
This is her cutie-patootie pirate. When I saw it this summer, I knew I had to make a similar mermaid.  Those little summer cobwebs cleared out and in my head, I saw...

I began working on my Mermaid this summer.  
Originally, I had a huge area to put her in, but in my new room my library is in a small corner.  

This is my mermaid.  Yes, she has a tutu and orange hair.  I don't love her hair...but everyone who comes in really likes it.  I'm going to look for wrapping paper and make some cute pink hair, I think;)

When you walk in the door, this is what you see.

This is my computer area, love it.

My pretty matching bulletin boards.

Since I see a different class every day, they have a bin to "save their work" and their behavior clips go into the pencil pouches hanging on command hooks.  

This Little Piggy needs a name for her mermaid...do you have any ideas?


When I grow up I want to be the Pencil Police....

When I decided to change careers and become a teacher, I didn't realize that one of my many hats would be Pencil Patrol.  Pencils quickly became my obsession!  Not necessarily in a good way.  

My very first year teaching, I brought in my family pencil sharpener.  My mom bought it for our family when I was in 7th Grade - it lasted through all 3 kids.  I brought it to my classroom and it died before the end of first semester!  Fast forward 10 years and I cannot count how many pencil sharpeners I've gone through. 

This is my pencil supply for this school year.  
This is half of what was left over from 
last year and after summer school.
This is my groovy green

I will be honest, I love my electric sharpener.  
It was a gift from my Principal last year.  
But, I regulate it and it has turned me into Pencil Police 
(shhhhh....I hide it from subs, too).  
This year I'm going to have a TON of students - a new class every day.  
I simply don't have time to be the pencil police this year.
I need the kids to self-regulate, but not with my pencil sharpener!
I kept seeing the pencil sharpener reviews on blogs and decided to try it out for myself.  
The electric sharpener took 12 seconds to go from dull to semi-sharp.

I was shocked!  Do you see that sharp tip?
It took me 3 turns/cranks to go from dull to EXTRA-Sharp!
It's super quick and whoa, it's sharp!
It's also much quieter than my electric sharpener.

My new plan is to teach the group helper how to use my groovy green sharpener 
and have them sharpen 10 pencils each afternoon before they leave.  

This Little Piggy will put away the Pencil Patrol Badge and spend my time teaching!


No pics, just my thoughts

Tonight I don't have a big long blog post that I've planned out for a few days.
I don't have pics of activities we did this week (I don't get kiddos for ANOTHER week).
And I don't have a product review, a linky party or a new recipe I tried.

On my brain tonight is administration.
Principal's and AP's and whoever else you have on your campus with a nifty title.
I've been teaching for 10 years and I've had 5 Principal's and 4 AP's (two of which became my Principal's).
A few years back, I had the absolute WORST Principal in the world.  
She had favorites and I wasn't on the "list".  She grabbed people, she yelled at us and she had no control over the kids at our school.  Her school was number one in the district, but we were never doing it for her.
She made us miserable.

Our AP at that time, is now my school's Principal.  She's amazing!  
I would follow her to any school with any population because I want to work for her.
She has an open door policy and she takes what you say to heart and she tries her best to accommodate her teacher's requests.  Now, there are times when teachers have to be moved to grades or subjects they don't want to teach.  It isn't easy.  I know she doesn't like doing it.
But, remember how I said I'd teach anywhere for her...well, most teachers on my campus agree.  They will do what it takes to stay at our school.  She supports teachers, always.  She tries hard to get us the resources and training that we need/request.  Do I sound like I'm brown nosing?  I'm not.  Teachers want to work for her.  We work harder for her, because of her.  Teachers get nervous when she enters the doorway.  Not because they are worried she will "catch them" doing something they shouldn't.  But, because they want to make her proud.  They want her approval.

This year I'm in a new position and although technically she's still my Principal, I have to work with Principals throughout the district since I service students across the district.  It makes me value her even more!  She doesn't intentionally try to make others job's harder.  Truth be told, I owe this position to her.  I also know it caused some staffing issues, so I greatly appreciate her letting me chase a dream.

I know everyone is in different stages in their career, but I hope that one day you have the pleasure of working with/for an administrator who mentors you and inspires you to be a better teacher!
Have you already had this experience?

This Little Piggy is ready for kiddos!!!


It's Currently Sept.

It's Currently Time...

I was printing last night and guess what?  On page 3 of my *NEW* teacher binder...I ran out of ink!   AHHHH....Why?  Why does this happen every time I need to print something?  Pay Day is next week, so ink will have to wait until I get paid:(  I already bought 2 sets this month, so I've got to slow down a bit.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought "healthy food".  No chocolate, no sweets, LOTS of salad.  I want chocolate!  

I know Farley suggested 3 things to do this month, but I'm all about realistic goals.  I have 2 this month.  2 New TpT products - over $5 each.  I sell a lot, but I don't make a lot of $$ because my avg. cost per item is $3.  I need to make larger products and make a little more.  I also plan to lose 10 lbs. this month.  

This Little Piggy is craving chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!