
My 1st Linky Party

This is my very first linky party - EVER! Amanda from Teaching Maddeness is having a linky party and I decided to join it. Maybe I will get some new followers, too!

This school year, I hope to....
1- Be Data Driven! I want to use data to create all of my groups, use data to develop RTI plans and keep track of data/growth throughout the year. I need a BINDER for all of this!

2- Put up displays throughout the year! I do some really cute activities in class, and I intend on making bulletin boards, but I just simply run out of time. Maybe I can find a parent volunteer (just maybe).

3- Pick up my daughter by 5:30! When we had a baby, we decided we didn't want him/her to grow up at daycare. Last year, I picked her up way too close to 6:00 way too many times. Shhh, I was late on a few occasions. I hate that for her.

4- I want to keep up with my weekly classroom newsletter and offer online homework as well. This will take some research, but I'm committed to it.


Craftivity x2

Saturday I worked on 2 craft projects. First, My "F". This is a new trend at our school - hanging an initial by the door. My teacher friend makes and sells them, but since I'm crafty I thought I'd do my own.
  • Mod Podge
  • Sponge Brush
  • 1 Sheet of Scrapbook Paper
  • 1 Letter (mine was .50cents at Wal-Mart in the clearance isle)
  • Coordinating Ribbon
First, Trace the letter onto the scrapbook paper. Trace as close as possible to the letter. Remember, to flip the letter backward;)
Next, Mod Podge the letter. Add the paper and flatten out any bubbles.
Now the hardest part (IMO), add the ribbon around the edge of the letter. I was out of hot glue sticks (that's what I get for not making a list when I went to Wal-Mart), so I went around the edges with Mod Podge. This was messy and it very time consuming, because you have to let each section dry before you can move on.

To add the ribbon, you can use hot glue, a staple gun or flat top thumb tacks (this is what I had at home). This is my finished product! You can add embellishments or fur if you wish. Since my letter is about 4", I decided to create something clean and versatile. My paper matches my color scheme, but I chose a pattern that is generic and can match any theme since I'm a "Reading Teacher".

I also mod podged a "Clipboard", another big trend at our school.
  • Clipboard
  • Mod Podge
  • Assorted Thin Ribbon
  • 1-2 Sheets of Scrapbook Paper
First, you'll need to trace and cut the paper. It is not going to fit. I decided to leave the space at the top because I wasn't sure how to cut the paper correctly. Then, I mod podged the clipboard and added the paper. You need something with a edge, like an old credit card to help you smooth out the paper. Cover with a layer of mod podge and let dry 10 min.
This is when I added ribbon at the top. I simply double-knotted the ribbon. Some people use material scraps, others use tulle.
I cut out an extra "F" from my last project and used it on the clipboard. Mod Podge again. Note the Pink Ribbon at the top. I didn't like it after it dried, so I peeled it off and spent an hour trying to figure out how to cut paper correctly to go under the "clip".
Finally, I figured out how to cut the paper to fit around the "clip" by tracing a strip of paper and flipping it backward to trace onto my scrapbooking paper. No, I wasn't good in geometry.
Sorry about the bad pic.
This is my finished product. I'm happy with it.



I stalk the teaching blogs on a regular basis, so I finally decided to create my own!  After about 20 different templates, I found one that is "ME".  I'll be honest, I don't know much about HTML, so...I'm starting slow.

I'm in the midst of working on my classroom and the 1st 6-weeks worth of work.  My district is now a STEM District and our focus is going to be technology geared this year.  I'm also working as my Campus GT Lead Teacher.  I'm nervous, but very excited to see this program flourish and get the attention it deserves.  

I am a departmentalized Reading/SS Teacher.  I see around 60 students per day.  If you've never been departmentalized, it has major benefits and drawbacks.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE planning for one subject, having depth of knowledge in my subject area and working across grade levels to plan.  One major drawback is not having a homeroom.  Personally, I struggle with organization which leads to management issues with so many kids.  I will say, I've gotten better about it with time.

I am looking forward to keeping up with all the amazing teacher blogs!!